Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Different Communities

People often say that their community is only their neighborhood. We are all a part of a community whether it is geographically or the internet. The internet has created many communities. People on the internet mostly based on common interest. It ties people together that do not live in the same community geographically. Mark Zuckerburg’s creation of Facebook has drawn millions of people together on this social site. I am a member of the Facebook website. Everyone that is a member of Facebook is a part of the same community on the internet. There are some negatives that come with internet communities. Some people use the internet to spread rumors or conflict with other people they may not like. The internet has many pros and cons but it creates communities among people. These internet communities are very powerful. The internet had led to one of the largest protest that contained about six to ten million people. Both communities have their good and bad. Which community do you prefer?
Different Communities
Community plays a huge role in the film “The Social Network”. A community is a social group in which people are a part of because of a specific locality, cultural, historical heritage or common interest. In the film, Mark Zuckerburg’s local community was Harvard but he had no social community. Mark Zuckerburg did not have a social community because everyone was mad at the things he did, such as making the website comparing girls to farm animals. Mark Zuckerburg created Facebook, a social website in which made him popular. Facebook helped him build a social community. Facebook has built a new community on the internet that has helped people become more social able and involved with each other.
A long time ago, the word community referred to the geographical location that you were a part of. Your location was your community even if you did not have any interest that was similar to anyone’s interest in your neighborhood. You can look at the community of your location in many different aspects as far as depth. For example, the United States is your community, the state you live in is your community, and also the part in the state in which you live in is your community,
            The internet, especially Facebook has altered the meaning of the word community. People no longer are only a part of their community because of their geographical location. People often group up together on websites like Facebook and create a community because they have common interest. Facebook serves as the location of the community. The location of a community is now not just where you live geographically but also the place on the internet in which you belong to and interact. Everyone that is on Facebook is a part of the Facebook community. Also, people who like a certain sport, movie, TV show, person, or type of music and write about it on the internet are a part of a community. In the article “New Media”, it states, “The internet has the potential to change the practice of democracy because of its participatory and interactive attributes. It allows all citizens to alter their relationship with the public sphere, to become creators and primary subjects, to become engaged in social productions”. The internet has drawn together a massive amount of people to create communities. It ties people together that do not live in the same community geographically. Communities on the internet are just as powerful and strong as geographical communities. In the article “New Media”, it stated, about six to ten million people got together and protested against the invasion of Iraq through the internet. The internet makes these communities strong because people are able to communicate to large amounts of people. Also, a single cause or message can band together so many people with the same idea and create powerful things like the protest because they have more than enough people on the internet that would either support or oppose an idea. The internet communities also have a down fall. Some people use the internet for harm by having maliciously commenting on a person or their ideas
            A person can be a part of many different communities. Communities can be looked at in many different ways. The communities you are a part of depend on your location, your culture and your common interest. A community shows the similarities and bonds people have amongst themselves. The Internet, websites like Facebook help people create a social community that they may not have in reality. Facebook contributed to Mark Zuckerburg’s social community grow because he went from one of the most hated people in Harvard to one of the most liked people due to his creation of Facebook. Facebook has helped him build a social community in which he once never had.

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